"Hey girlfriend. What’s going on? Nampak tyra cm moody aje. Nadia
ada buat salah ke? Nak tegur pun segan. You’re hiding sth izit? Well, I’m so
sorry I’m doing wrong. Or maybe nadia ada terlepas pandang dkt assignment n
group work kita. Mintak maaf lah. Sbb kepala nadia stress dgn personal pblem y
sedia ada. Tp nadia cubalah tuk give commitment kat keje kita. Kan dh janji
kita nak bjaya sama2. Nak aim pointer ssma. Nk share knowledge. Nadia dh janji
tknak biar tyra sorg2 kalo ada mslh. Even dlm stdy pun. Test ke ape, kita share
everything. Sbb nadia nk kita sama2 merasa success. Yeah, kita dlm dua alam
berbeza. You have your own world instead of me having my dumby world. With no
clues. I just go through. But I’ve nothing. You have everything. Good in stdy n
etc. nadia mintak maaf lah kalo this sem, tkdpt bg komitmen cm dulu. Sbb terlampau
busy. Stdy pun dah tak skrg. Itu nadia jadi blank. Risau. I just cnt stand if
my bestie pretending to be happy. But you’re hurt inside. Idk. For me, I just
grateful having you, friend. If I’m wrong, do correct me. :)"
"Salam.. tyra.. whats wrong with u dear.? I know that u r not
okay.. seriously rase risau n serba salah.. hm, did u angry with me.?? Org mintak
maaf lah kaloorg ade wat salah pape kat tyra.. dlm keje group ke.. I know that I’m
not a good partner, a good fren. . but I’m trying to be the best at ur eyes.. n
nadia.. pemikiran n care kita tak same.. org mintak maaf kalau ape yg org bg
slame ni lgsg tak membantu korang.. but believe me.. org risau sgt2 psl tyra. Org
tau tyra bkn jenis yg nak cter mslah tyra kt org.. but please don’t be like
this.. takot boleh effect kat study syg.. hm.. pape pon org montak maaf sgt2
atas smua salah n silap org.. maaf…"
A few texts received from my 2 dear darlings. Uols make me
tears. Sekarang nampak sangat aku yang effect korang. Aku ingatkan korang tak
perasan apa. Aku rasa aku dah sehabis baik tunjuk yg aku okay. Aku tak cakap
apa2, aku tak show my dear tears dripping out my 2 lil eyes. Bur then uols
still know what I feel about. Yes I’m not okay. But it’s not too bad sampai leh
mendatangkan kematian. Im not going to commit suicide. Tak masuk syurga. Still waras
lagi. Still tawu macam mana kehebatan syurga. Even mulut duk melucah tapi hati
still lurus nak kearah syurga akhirat.
Why don’t we use ‘aku’ here. Hahah. Sorry for that words. Aku
tak tawu why and why aku takleh nak guna ‘aku’ bila ngan kau. So let us just
use you and I. yes, im not okay. But what should I say? Is it halal much to
make u annoyed with my stupido problems? Dalam masa u pun ada masalah ngan diri
sendiri, is it the same problem that uve told me before? Or it is a new one? I could
share mine with u, I want to. But, just like what u said before in ur text kan
yang u know me well. Im not that kinda girl yg too easy to reveal all the
problems that Im facing on. Im not, nadya. Dear you, u did nothing wrong for me
to correct on. Ure one of the best person I got as my lil dearest bestie. Yes u
do nadya. Im not lying since I don’t know how to. U’re good enough! Yes, I would
like to succeed with u by my side. I want u to excel in ur study, memang nampak
lah sekarang nadya busy gila n im very understand on that matter. I less care
about it, no worries. I will backup urs kalau ndya tak sempat or whatsoever
lah. I will. U have me, tyra ismail. Ur lil queen dear lil princess.
Seriously a lil shock once im reading your text! U did
nothing wrong. Never once. U’re great enough. Rajin buat kerja then never once
tak serious. Komitmen yang tinggi. Even u look childish, but u’re different
dari apa yang nampak at the outside. U’re matured enough in making decision and
settle up all the assignments things! U’re good in time management. Ada timetable
bagai lagi, sedangkan iols tadop pun benda tu. Yes, I do have one but never
follow it. hanya jadual pemakanan yang aku follow hari2. Memang dah lama nak
share my problems with u but I feel some kinda malu. Tak tawu nak start dari
mana dan macam mana. Maybe someday I will reveal mine jugak..maybe. u always
asking me ‘awak okay?’ u should ask a different question lah sebab benda tu dah
tawu apa jawapan dia. U know it well honey. Thanks for the cared that u shown
on me. Im very appreciated that. After losing my 2 dearest friends last semester,
I got no one to talk to. Yet still bersyukur sebab Allah masih bagi korang
untuk tyra. I love uols mucho! Comolot sikit. Chup chup.
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..with the presence of uols dear darlings! |
Nota kaki: u better watch out, im going to hunt you seeking
for forgiveness!
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