Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Meet my twin, Qarin.

this is something that i've read on some blog and i've copied then pasted the entry to share and of course keep it safely in my entry drawer. i've heard about this thing before and knew a lil bit about it but this time i read and really understand what 'Qarin' is all about. sounds creepy lol, Qarin. miahahah. well, i have a twin! everybody got their own twin. we're just same in every aspect except for the religious that we're born in. i'm muslim and my twin are not. every one of us will born with a twin named Qarin. we'll die at the end since Allah want it that way, but our twin - Qarin - wil never die.

 Firman Allah: “Dan sesiapa yang tidak mengindahkan pengajaran (Al-Quran yang diturunkan oleh Allah) Yang maha Pemurah, Kami akan adakan baginya Syaitan (yang menghasut dan menyesatkannya), lalu menjadilah Syaitan itu (Qarin) temannya yang tidak renggang daripadanya.” (Az-Zukhruf 43:36)

Qarin adalah jin yang dicipta oleh Allah sebagai pendamping manusia. Boleh dikatakan ia sebagai ‘kembar’ manusia. Setiap manusia yang dilahirkan ke dunia ini pasti ada Qarinnya sendiri. Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri tidak terkecuali. Cuma bezanya, Qarin Rasulullah adalah Muslim. Manakala yang lainnya adalah kafir.

Pada umumnya Qarin yang kafir ini kerjanya mendorong dampingannya membuat kejahatan. Dia membisikkan was-was, melalaikan solat, berat nak baca Al-Qurandan sebagainya. Malah ia bekerja sekuat tenaga untuk menghalang dampingannya membuat ibadah dan kebaikan.

Untuk mengimbangi usaha Qarin ini Allah utuskan malaikat. Ia akan membisikkan hal-hal kebenaran dan mengajak membuat kebaikan. Maka terpulanglah kepada setiap manusia membuat pilihan mengikut pengaruh mana yang lebih kuat. Walau bagaimanapun orang-orang Islam mampu menguasai dan menjadikan pengaruh Qarinnya lemah tidak berdaya.

Caranya dengan membaca “Bismillah” sebelum melakukan sebarang pekerjaan, banyak berzikir, membaca Al-Quran dan taat melaksanakan perintah Allah.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Tiada seorang pun daripada kamu melainkan sudah diwakili bersamanya Qarin daripada jin dan malaikat. Mereka bertanya: “Engkau juga ya Rasulullah?” Sabdanya: “Ya aku juga ada, tetapi Allah telah membantu aku sehingga Qarin itu dapat ku islamkan dan hanya menyuruh aku dalam hal kebajikan sahaja.” (Hadith Riwayat Muslim dan Ahmad)

Aisyah r.a menceritakan bahawa pada suatu malam Rasulullah s.a.w keluar dari rumahnya (Aisyah), lalu Aisyah berkata: “Aku merasa cemburu.” Tiba-tiba Baginda s.a.w berpatah balik dan bertanya: “Wahai Aisyah apa sudah jadi, apakah engkau cemburu?” Aku berkata: “Bagaimana aku tidak cemburu orang yang seumpama engkau ya Rasulullah.” Sabda Baginda s.a.w: “Apakah engkau telah dikuasai oleh syaitan?” Aku bertanya: “Apakah aku ada syaitan?” Sabda Baginda s.a.w: “Setiap insan ada syaitan, iaitu Qarin.” Aku bertanya lagi: “Adakah engkau pun ada syaitan ya Rasulullah?” Jawab Baginda: “Ya, tetapi Allah membantuku sehingga Qarin ku telah masuk Islam.” (Hadith Riwayat Muslim)

Di dalam hadith lain Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: “Aku dilebihkan daripada Nabi Adam a.s dengan dua perkara, iaitu pertama syaitanku kafir lalu Allah menolong aku sehingga dia Islam. Kedua, para isteriku membantu akan daku tetapi syaitan Nabi Adam tetap kafir dan isterinya membantu ia membuat kesalahan.” (Hadith Riwayat Baihaqi)

Ibn Muflih al-Muqaddasi menceritakan: Suatu ketika syaitan yang mendampingi orang beriman, bertemankan syaitan yang mendampingi orang kafir. Syaitan yang mengikuti orang beriman itu kurus, sedangkan yang mengikuti orang kafir itu gemuk. Maka ditanya mengapa engkau kurus, “Bagaimana aku tidak kurus, apabila tuanku masuk ke rumah dia berzikir, makan dia ingat Allah, apabila minum pun begitu.” Sebaliknya syaitan yang mengikuti orang kafir itu pula berkata: “Aku sentiasa makan bersama dengannya dan begitu juga minum.”

Qarin akan berpisah dengan ‘kembarnya’ hanya apabila manusia itu (kembarnya) meninggal dunia. Roh manusia akan ditempatkan di alam barzakh, sedangkan Qarin terus hidup kerana lazimnya umur jin adalah panjang. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila tiba hari akhirat nanti maka kedua-duanya akan dihadapkan ke hadapan Allah untuk diadili. Tetapi Qarin akan berlepas tangan dan tidak bertanggungjawab atas kesesatan atau kederhakaan yang dilakukan manusia itu.


nota kaki: kreditasi buat Akhbar Melayu :)

A girl's heart desire


I want to open my hijab,
and show the world,
that I too,
am beautiful in the people's definition.

deep down here,
in my little heart,
I know that beauty is by definition,
a mystery.
and it is forever more rewarding,
to be beautiful in God's eyes.

I want to wear ruffled dresses and tight jeans,
show off what I really look like,
under those baggy shirts and loosely fitted pants,
make a statement,
that I too,
have a figure and worth looking at.

I know better,
to avoid entering the world of men's imagination,
for I love my future husband,
and I am ashamed,
what should be his, has already been unveiled by others.

I want to show the world,
the other side of me,
the bubblier, bolder, and crazier me.
put myself on display,
for everyone to see,
to be desired, and admired upon.

I know that eyes are not just eyes,
seeing is not just seeing,
image and respect are gained,
shame and humility deserve a better place,

Because in the end,
it is not just about me,
I carry a lot of impressions and expectations,
of what a Muslim girl should be,

I am covered by the word "Islam" the moment I walk out of my door,
So don't be selfish girl,
Can't you put behind your heart's desire for something worth fighting for?

Love is all it takes.

Entry basi, tapi dia tak pernah basi.

Well, you are another year older and you haven't changed a bit. That's great because you are perfect just the way you are. Happy Birthday. Belated-birthday!

tyra monster

well aku pun nak mengada depan mista webby jugak LOL
oh hohoho
maaf, entry dimulai dengan muka guwa yang supa dupa mengada juga gila. oleh kerana ingin menulis warkah cinta buat sahabat tersayang di tanah subur Kedah, guwa ingin memberikan senyuman termanis buatnya. *wink wink*

this is my super bestfriend. 
well her birthday memang dah lama dah tapi baru ney nak update sebab baru dapat berjumpa masa raya haji yang lepas. with no ideas on my mind, still wanna update a lil bit about her. dipagi hari pada pukul 2:58 ini aku meng-update kisah kamu sahabatku. tolong tersentuh hati kamu itu. tolong. aku sedang membaca dan menghadam bait bait nota BIS untuk presentation pagi nanti pada pukul 8:00 pagi sesungguhnya. dengan rasa kurang waras lagi gila aku merepek sudah sekarang. aku nak cakap apa aku dah terkandas dalam lubuk rapikan aku. ah persetan saja semuanya.

tak nompak moko eh jang -,-

suatu kisah bermula, dia diberi nama Faizah. dipanngil Ez. digelar Ijah. berasal dari perut ibunya. aku juga. ibu aku. lahir pada 2 Oktober. sekarang? 31 Oktober. sudah sebulan usia kelahirannya. oh itu adalah hadiah aku untuknya. comel? aku tahu. dan dia kata comel. juga. hahah. aku juga tahu ada yang cemburu dengan hadiah itu. terima kasih sebab cemburu. aku makin lama makin takde isi nak cakap. aku nak update tapi tak tawu nak kata apa since dah lama sangat hari lahir dia. maaf sahabat kerana memiliki sahabat retard seperti aku. maaf.

there she is. well thank you much. i know she is cute. i know that. ehem ehem. yer, dia bajet depan webcam tu. well as u know none of her housemate sudi nak tolong snap-kan sebab menyampah tengok dia posing bagai. or maybe dia malu. maybe. mieheh. saja kan buat muka comel! hey aku beli that ribbon bag kat Hinode. so cute madnes. haha. how about the music box? well i bought her that pinky box at the pinky store of Miss T. *love shaped*

ucapan indah:

oh sahabat,
daku harap dikau menyukai pemberian daku buat dirimu.
pemberian yang tidak seberapa itu. moga dikau lena diulit mimpi indah setiap kali mendengar alunan musikal dari kotak magis tersebut. 
oh sahabat. 

jadahnya wey. jangan geli dulu. hargai sahaja cebisan kata dari hamba itu. Alhamdulillah. *senyum manis manisan India* :D

hai little monsta! meet your mommy here. haha. still in a good condition. thanks for taking a good care of that rasaksa kecil. *nangis bahagia* i got her that lil monsta from Memory Lane! well jaga mereka leklok naa! till then i love you :D

nota kaki: maaf, entry berbaur tidak waras. kepala semakin kurang bernas menghambur kata. aku semakin senak berfikir lantaran tugasan kolej. apakan daya, aku sayang kamu juga. :)

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Behave bebeh Behave.

"In life , there is a single thing no matter how hard we try to reach it , no matter how much time we waste for it we will end up with a failure which is T H E P A S T . But no matter what it is , T H E P A S T will always remain in our heart as M E MO R I E S "

Cc: Anonymous
well dia dah fully jadi memori daun pisang aku dah. so, kenapa mesti ada yang aku tak kenal sesape entah friendly adviced yang bukan bukan? do u know me better huh? is it need to hide your identity? jadi jantan sikit lah kalo nak komen tu. anonymous anonymous bagai apahal. i bet you somebody that i know kan. that's why kau taknak reveal nama kat situ. bitch please. be yourself. aku lagi appreciate kalau kau komen using ur own name bebeh.

reveal your identity before u complaint me. terhegeh hegeh? who are you to say that words? kau tak ada kelayakan tertinggi yang hakiki nak guna word tu looking down on me. aku dan dia. kau kenal? tidak. maka diam. jika ya, kenapa perlu komen tanpa nama. takut? stupidass, dumbass, jackass, dan bloody ass. as u know and kindly remind u that im annoying. not just today, not just some times, but most of the times. all the times. saying everything that i wanna say. my words, my right. i can't stand if it keep stuck on my mind without voice it out.

here i wanna share you something, my life is much better without him. seriously, i feel nothing but as ecan has said: 

"tyra dah lain sekarang, dah nampak macam ade life"

aku dapat agak kau sape. aku dapat. tapi biarlah ia sekadar rahsia antara aku dan kamu. hide lah selagi boleh. by the way, thanks for the 'advice' that u leave behind bebeh! 

nota kaki: jubur ayam, jubur ayam, jubur ayam mekdi ....

Thursday, 25 October 2012

aku hanya manusia picisan buat kamu

perlu ker nak buat macam tu sekali?
perlu ker nak ulang benda tu bila kamu dah buat sekali dulu untuk aku?
perlu ker nak tunjukkan kemanisan kamu dimana aku boleh tengok?
perlu ker nak bagi aku teringat balik semua?

sesuatu yang kamu pernah bagi aku tolong jangan bagi kat orang lain boleh?
aku bukan marah.
aku bukan sedih.
aku bukan menyampah.
aku bukan sakit hati.
dan aku bukan tahu apa aku rasa..
apa yang aku tahu, aku cuma harapkan yang kamu boleh hormat perasaan aku.
satu satunya benda yang aku perlu dari kamu.
hormati aku.
perasaan aku.
hati aku.

aku dah cukup kuat nak bagi kamu jalan tanpa pandang kearah aku lagi.
aku dah cukup kuat jadi bodoh bila semua benda sekeliling aku berlakon tak nampak kebodohan aku.
aku dah cukup kuat berlakon berani pada masa semuanya lari pergi dari aku.
aku dah cukup kuat memalukan diri buat benda yang aku sendiri tahu tiada kesannya.

aku tahu aku tak berhak luahkan kata hati.
aku tahu aku tak berhak mengehadkan kehidupan kamu.
aku tahu aku tak berhak merasa sesuatu yang lebih bila sesuatu itu bukan milik aku lagi.
aku tahu aku tak berhak menghalang setiap satu dari perkara yang kamu ingin lakukan mulai dari hari itu dan seterusnya.

hormati aku.
ia pernah berada dan menjadi milik aku.
pernah diberikan hanya untuk aku.
but can't you please let it being mine forever?

walaupun hanya pada masa lalu.
walaupun hanya sekali sepanjang hidup aku.
walaupun hanya pernah dirasai untuk masa yang sangat singkat.
walaupun aku tidak pernah menghargainya pada suatu ketika itu.
walaupun hanya ketika aku tidak begitu ambil berat pada masa itu.

kamu boleh melakukan itu.
sejauh mana kamu mahu.
aku tiada hak berkata kata.
malahan memberikan keizinan.

sekiranya kamu melakukan sesuatu,
bolehkah kamu mempertimbangkan tentang sesuatu?
sesuatu yang pernah berlaku didalam kehidupan kamu yang lalu iaitu aku.

aku tak pohon atau pinta lebih dari itu.
kamu boleh pergi sejauh mana yang kamu mahu.
kemana sahaja yang kamu inginkan.
aku tidak akan menghalang
malahan merelakan.
cumanya, ingati aku.

sesuatu yang kamu ingin sampaikan kepada yang lain
jangan kamu gunakan sesuatu yang kamu pernah gunakan untuk aku.
pada suatu ketika dahulu.

aku juga manusia sama seperti kamu
dan seperti sekeliling aku.
punyai hati dan perasaan.

aku bukan mesin ciptaan yang lahir dari besi
punyai hati dan perasaan yang palsu.
fahami aku.

do you really want me to pull back all the things that i have erased?
i know that it wasn't for me.
i know that i'm not supposed to see it.
i'm sorry for the thinking.

the point is there.
if you get it
please do erase the thing that you have done.
i know this is pointless
since you'll never ever read it
you'll never ever understand it
as you don't realize that you're playing 
with my heart
my feeling

i'm nothing
fully broken

what done is done.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Ian Somerhalder and six pack

It’s a blast day. Well for me it’s the blast one. Mieheheh. Hari ney aku nak cerita sikit pasal aku punya abang katang. He’s the one that I adore much. Mula mengenali ketika aku menonton The Vampires Diaries bersama kutek di AP 02-21. How I wish I could pull that moment back. Hahah. Dan sekarang aku terjatuh hati jiwa dan raga padanya si hotstuff Mystic Falls. It’s kinda hard to say here since aku pun dah beyond the limits. Aku patutnya setia dengan Chris Brown tapi apakan daya setelah melihatnya pada kali pertama, ouch my heart is beating gradually laju laju dan laju.

Lemme introduce uols the one that have took my breathe away. And here he is, Ian Somerhalder. *lagu diam diam jatuh cinta by ramlah ram dipasangkan*

Well, he is good looking kan. Can u see his body? He got a good posture after all. Haha, and his smile! Oh it’s really killing me, me is dying inside already. Loser me. And u know what, aku paling suka satu gambar dia ney. Berjambang bagai. Guwa tak tawu lah sejak bila guwa suka laki berjambang. My roommates cakap yang aku ney dah gila sebab suka laki selekeh serabai sakai bagai. A long time ago aku pun tak suka bila tengok laki berjambang. Tapi sejak aku jumpa Ian aka Damon in his very own name dalam vampire diaries, aku telah jatuh hati. Apa jer dia punya appearance aku suka jer. Selekeh ker, kemas ker, aku tetap suka. Sebab dia memang betul betul segak.

Actually aku suka lelaki selekeh berjambang macam ney since aku nampak Johnny Depp. One of his photo that I saw in internet before made my heart beats faster than normal. Aku tawu, im insane that falling for it. it’s only a photo. Haih. I can help nothing about it because im retard. Urghhh!

A guy with jambang is okay, tapi biarlah badan tu okay. Jangan badan pun tak jaga, berjambang lagi. Memang aku baling dumb-bell bagi kuatkan otot tu lebih kan. Eh for those yang tak pernah dengar pun pasal vampires diaries uols should search for it. it’s awesome. Tapi aku rasa semua orang tawu kot pasal vampires diaries, miahahah. Aku jer yang gelabah kecoh pasal vampires diaries. Like I care, as long as aku nak cakap pasal Ian. Hiks :D

and guys, here i wanna share some exercises on how to have six pack just like Ian. well it's too many of them and just click below, i mean the link because the exercises are too many and here there is no space enough. feel free to click and have a try. till then, hasta pronto!

Nota kaki: yet wanna apologize for the language used. aku tawu my blog is very very broken. Tapi aku tak kisah pun since it’s my style and the way I am. Tak suka much? It’s okay, just leave. Yet still love you as u’re willing to read, mucha gracias.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Take a break and playing games.

Take a piece of paper and write down the answers. The analysis is in the end. some of you might have played this before but maybe someone out there never ever plays it ..ala it's okay either dah main or tak ..just play it again. it's not a wrong thing to do right. let's remind ourselves about ourselves then :D

You are in a deep deep forest... as you walk on you
saw an old hut standing there
(1) What is the status of the door?

You enter the hut and see a table...
(2) What is the shape of the table?

On top of the table there is a vase... in the vase
there is water.
(3) How much water is it filled up with?

(4) and what is the vase made of?

You walk out of the hut... as you carry on your walk
in the forest... you see a waterfall from far...
there is water running down...

(5) What is the speed of the water?
(Choose a number ranging from 0 to 10)

Some time after the waterfall... you step on something
hard on the ground... as you look down... you see
glistening gold in colour. You bend down and pick it
up... it is a keychain chained with keys...

(6) How many key /keys you see hanging on the
(Choose a number ranging from 1 to 10)

You walk on and on... trying to find your way out...
suddenly you see a castle.

(7) What is the condition of the castle?

You enter the castle and saw a pool of murky water
with shining jewels floating on it...
(8) Will you pick up the jewel?

Next to the murky pool... there's another pool... with
clear water and money floating on it...

(9) Will you pick the money?

Walking to the end of the castle there is an exit...
you proceed to walk out of the castle. Outside the
exit, there is big garden, you see a box on the

(10) What is the size of the box?

(11) What is the material of the box?

There is a bridge in the garden some distance away
from the box,
(12) What is the bridge made of?

Across the bridge, there is a horse.
(13) What is the colour of the horse?

(14) What is the horse doing?
(still and quiet/nibbling grass/running about)

OH NO!!! There is a tornado coming... some distance
from the horse. You have 3 options:
(i) run and hide in the box?
(ii) run and hide under the bridge?
(iii) run to the horse, ride on and gallop away?


Here are the interpretations:
(1) The door:
opened door - you are a person who is willing to share
closed door - you are a person who is keeping things
to yourself

(2) The table:
Round/oval - any friends that came along, you will
accept and trust them completely
Square/rectangle - you are a bit more choosy on
friends and only hangout with those whom you think are
on the same frequency
Triangle - you are really very very picky about
friends and there are not many friends in your life

(3) Water in vase:
Empty - your life is not fulfilled
Half filled - what you want in your life is half
Full - your life is completely fulfilled and good for

(4) Material of vase:
glass/clay/porcelain - you are weak in your life and
tends to be fragile
metal/plastic/wood - you are strong in your life

(5) Flow of waterfall:
0 - no sex drive at all
1 to 4 - low sex drive
5 - average sex drive
6 to 9 - high sex drive
10 - gone case!!! super high sex drive!!! Can't live
without sex...

(6) Keys:
1 - you have one good friend in your life
2 to 5 - you have a few good friends in your life
6 to 10 - you have a lot good friends

(7) Castle:
Old - shows that your last relationship is not a good
one and is not memorable to you.
New - your last relationship is good and it's still
fresh in your heart.

(8) The jewel from the murky pool water:
YES - when your partner is around you, you will flirt
around with others.
NO - when your partner is around, you will stick
around with him/her most of the time.

(9) The money from the clear water pool:
YES - even when your partner is not around you, you
will still flirt around with others.
NO - even when your partner is not around, you will
still think of her and and will be loyal to her, not
flirting around with others.

(10) The size of the box:
small - low ego
medium - average ego
big - high ego

(11) Material of the box (outlook of the box):
cardboard/paper/wooden(non-shining) - humble
metal - proud and stuck up personality

(12) The material of the bridge:
metal bridge - have very strong bond with your friends
wooden bridge - average bond with your friends
rattan bridge - you are not in good terms with your

(13) Colour of the horse:
white - your partner is pure and good in your heart.
grey/brown - your partner is only average in your
black - your partner doesn't seem to be good in your
heart and appears to be bad sign.

(14) Horse action:
still and quiet/nibbling grass - your partner is a
very homely and humble person.
running about - your partner is a wild type person.

This the last but most important part of the test.
From how I ended the story... a tornado approaches...
What are you going do? There are only 3 options:
(i) run and hide in the box?
(ii) run and hide under the bridge?
(iii) run to the horse, ride on and gallop away?

What will you choose?
Now, the above is signified by these things:
tornado - problems in your life
box - you
bridge - your friends
horse - your partner

(i) So if you choose the box, you keep your problems
to yourself whenever you are met with problems.
(ii) or if you choose the bridge, you will go to your
friends whenever you are met problems.
(iii) or lastly if you choose the horse, you seek your
partner whenever your partner whenever you are met
with problems.

here is mine:
1) closed
2) square
3) empty
4) glass
5) five
6) two
7) old
8) yes
9) yes
10) small
11) wooden
12) white
13) nibbling grass
and the end of story i chose (iii), so what's yours?

nota kaki: im not saying that i trust this test, but most of them are true and memang kena ngan aku lah. well it's work on me, aku tak tawu neither it works nor not on you guys. just have fun :D (5 days to go)

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

smartphowned randomly awkward texts

currently enjoying dadih cafe, honey dew in flavor. nyum nyum yemmy. well semalam aku mimpikan sir aliff. what a weird dream i had lol. are u miss me huh sir. hahah. aku terkejut gila bila bangun tu. eh is it true aku mimpi dia masa mula mula bangun tu pikir. gila lah aku ney mimpi laki orang. heh. mesti sir rindu aku ney. gila lah sir, am i ur favorite student after all huh. tralalala :D

7 days to go. and ipoh, please wait for me. this girl will kiss and hug u ketatly. oh hohoho. can't wait for that moment actually. tadi medang tanya pasal what was that ..skl? well that's not mine. kan aku dah cakap let the pictures speak for me, not u lah gila! miahahah.

and today im gonna share something that i got from the website - - last few days. it was really made my day! i laughed my ass off. schizo much. well here they are :)

well what say you huh? me is thrilling to read more and more. so, if i have that chances i will share the others yang aku baca okay. the rest is of course will make you burst your tummy with lots of laugh. miahahah. :D

till then, have a nice day or in its very cliche saying buenos dias. hasta luego!

nota kaki: whenever or wherever u are, if u feel some bitter time just come here and make urself comfortable with mine (lil bloggie) since im already love u readers. what mine is yours :)

Friday, 12 October 2012


we are never ever ever getting back together

well it's a lie. we're totally being together again. nak buat macam mana, benda dah dirancang Allah. aku pun tak dapat nak agak yang aku ngan dia dah okay balik, dah mula bercakap macam dulu. well aku mengaku that it was really nice to talk to you. it's not a hard task actually datang bilik then knocking your front door. we've a talk in some hours, unfortunately miss a lena di fantasyland. 

let's create a nice day from now on
yes, i know it already. i miss you a lot too. so, please come over my place some days maybe. just ignore what people might say. yang penting you've got me back. isn't it? hahah. tadi mengada sangat buat segan segan ngan aku kan. senyum senyum bagai then keep tweeting ape entah merepek. buat jiwa jiwa dalam twitter. schizo much.

dan apa yang aku paling takleh blah korang dua leh agak bila aku akan update blog. siap stalk aku dari awal dulu. cis! bagi frame tu sebab nak aku kenang korang dua. LOL! pastu tengok aku update blog guna ayat sedu sedan. setan betol lah dua ekor ney, haih.

so, what momo and nadya might say lepas tawu aku dah baik ngan korang entah lah. haha. to miss A sorry lah aku unfriend kau even kita tade gaduh apa pun huh. lemme comolot sikit. ngee. i hope we will find some days to spend together. pull back all the moments before. hope so lah :)

this is what we call 'patient' and 'stay strong'. thats the main message for my story, just like the main message that the author for The Move short story wants to deliver. patient to all the thingy that had happened and stay strong even it hards to make one. wow, it shows that madam teo and me are just the same. isn't it? am i having a unique strength? well i've said before aite yang aku titanium. hiks.

kau yang tengah baca entry aku ney, yes im talking about you right now. puas baca? aku harap kita tak gaduh dah lah. jadah apa wey dulu duk nangis then main peluk. peluk tu pulak aku tak balas. kesian kau akak. kesian. aku nak clear up semua ney pun sebab nak final dah kan, tak elok lah masam masam muka bagai. aku harap kau ikhlas then takde niat lain lah bila berbaik ngan aku ney as my lil sister said..

"boleh nak baik balik tapi be careful kot dia ada agenda lain"

well from what you have read above, kau paham kan maksud aku. you're always have me to share all your problems. it's only between you trust and not jer lah kat aku since aku pernah betray kau before ney kan. yes, it's my fault and sorry for all my wrongdoing. and here i want to remind you that my room number is AP 0221, just come over anytime you like. the door is always widely open for you sista!

wondering on what aiman might says after all, hahah. nothing to say much because i need some times to munch. till then bye.

nota kaki: let bygone be bygone.